Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oregon has experienced an amazing long summer that really only ended this week. We have not seen measurable rain since June and I have almost forgotten what a wet, dreary winter feels like. Today is (supposedly) our last dry day for awhile and I decided that I had to take advantage of the fall colors before they are all lying on the ground. (Strangely enough, most of my favorites from this trip were of the leaves on the ground.)

 Here is my ode to Fall.

I decided to hike on a  trail near my house that had kicked my behind earlier in the week. We have made up and are now friends (especially with this amazing light and foliage).

I know that the rain is on its way, but, this summer has been amazing and I welcome the opportunity to slow down a bit.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Last weekend, Josh and I spent a few days in Rockaway Beach at the family cabin. We walked along the jetty, built a fire on the beach and enjoyed the pace of life that included no television or internet connection (this is not easy on a football Saturday, just for the record). We dream of living here one day and either working or retiring in this town that has fewer red lights than my hometown.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I know that in my lifetime, I have embodied the essence of many cliches. I am from the Southeast, love Nascar, SEC football, and sweet tea. Those are the quintessential southern cliches, but, my blogging has fallen victim to the "I have a boyfriend and time for nothing else" cliche. There. I said it. I am that girl that I wrote about in the last post made over 2 years ago. I have had many adventures since that post and I have enjoyed my time with said boyfriend, but, I have not taken the time to write about them. Sorry, internet world.

I have missed writing and have decided that I should try and be more regular with my blog again. No promises. I want to use this space to write about my school, volunteer and general life musings and hope that I can follow through.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

becoming a tourist where i was once a resident...

I became a tourist in my once home of Chattanooga and snapped pictures of the river. This crane was as still as a stone as we watched him from the new (to me) Renaissance Park on the North shore.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

a day at the beach...

a perfect fire...
some good lighting...
a perfect day at the beach :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

making new memories...

I wish I was in control of my memories. I wish that I could go to a Redbox-like kiosk in my mind and decide what the features of day will be. This, of course, is not the way it all works and try as I might, I am still at the mercy of what thoughts are triggered by my daily life.

This past weekend was full of triggers for me. The week of the 4th of July, 2008, was the last week that I spent with my dad. I was home for 8 days and was able to do all of the quintessential White Pine Independence Day activities. I rode in the parade with the entire Carmichael clan (including the dogs) either riding horses, being pulled on a wagon, or, like me, riding a 4 wheeler. We all were decked out in red, white, and blue with Dad wearing a striped "Cat in the Hat" hat. It was a great day. I also attended the Carmichael 4th of July reunion and had fun with my extended family playing some volleyball and softball. All of these things were so much fun, but, looking back on them is a constant reminder that they are the last experiences I had, physically, with my Dad.

This year I made a conscious effort to take part in some 4th festivities to make new memories. I wanted to have new associations for this holiday so that when next year rolls around, I have some more material to draw from. Hanging out with close friends, sharing some food and drink and enjoying the springlike weather was a good start. I am trying to strike the delicate balance between carrying the past with me without it dragging me down. Call it my new work in progress.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Two years ago, I was at a family reunion with my daddy. This picture was taken that day.